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Septic Evalutation

Septic System Site Evaluation Midland, Tx

When installing a new On Site Sewage Facility better known as a septic system the first thing required to obtain a permit is a Site Evaluation. A State licensed Site Evaluator performs this step which includes digging a minimum of two backhoe test pits. These test pits must be dug at least two feet deeper than the design depth of the new disposal field and are used to determine several things. First the type and class of soil, type of disposal system required by the soil conditions and if there any restrictive horizons in the soil that would inhibit a disposal system from working properly.

After digging the test pits a survey of the property is necessary to determine if the required set backs from wells, property lines, buildings and other features will be met. A scale drawing is made showing all set backs and detailing where the septic system will be installed. This drawing is required by the local permitting authority for a permit granted.

At Action Air & Plumbing we proudly maintain a State of Texas OSSF Site Evaluator license along with an OSSF Installer II license. We are the go to experts when it comes to design and installation of your new On Site Sewage Facility.

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